Volunteer at the County Vaccination Mega-Sites

Or Ami has the opportunity to submit names of people to volunteer at the County’s Covid-19 vaccine mega-sites via an approved volunteer emergency network.

If you wish to participate, know this requires a full day commitment. PLEASE BE AWARE that if you submit for a day, and we then are able to send along your name/date, you need to be able to promise you are 100% committed to be there (not showing up adversely affects our ability to be a volunteer organization). Also, there is no guarantee that slots will be assigned, even if you submit your name/date, however there has been a proven need to volunteer labor and thus far we have had successful use of this network to staff.

If you are interested please submit all information IMMEDIATELY (by 3:00pm)

If you are interested, we need the following before we can submit your name. If you are interested please compile ALL of the following information ASAP and send it to our coordinator at ORAMIPHEV@GMAIL.COM



In order to be submitted, complete the pre-training packet – and include a picture of your completed Wrap up HIPAA tests. This reviews basic awareness of Privacy issues. NOTE: In the section where it asks for WORKFORCE ID NUMBER – write: 000000

3. Please supply all the following information:





SUBMIT ALL THE INFORMATION AT ONCE. If you need to change something, please resubmit all the information again. Once all your information is submitted, you will be send you an additional packet of information required by LA County to be filled out.

If you are scheduled to work, an email comes to you directly with all confirmation info prior to the shift. We will try to ensure you know what day of the availabilities you submitted is being focused on, so that you can hold that day on your schedule.

Finally, we are just one of many organizations helping the County. We do not determine who they choose to accept as a volunteer on any specific day. As such, please have patience and do not send multiple emails to the project coordinator email.