Book Group, December 18 2018
Or Ami’s Book Group will be meeting
Tuesday, December 18 2018 at 9:30 am to discuss:
Ashley’s War by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
Description from Amazon: In 2010, the Army created Cultural Support Teams, a secret pilot program to insert women alongside Special Operations soldiers battling in Afghanistan. The Army reasoned that women could play a unique role on Special Ops teams: accompanying their male colleagues on raids and, while those soldiers were searching for insurgents, questioning the mothers, sisters, daughters and wives living at the compound. Their presence had a calming effect on enemy households, but more importantly, the CSTs were able to search adult women for weapons and gather crucial intelligence. They could build relationships—woman to woman—in ways that male soldiers in an Islamic country never could.
Email Erin Mayer for more info/RSVP.
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