I Refuse to Excuse the Hatred of Jews

by Stephanie Blau

October 7, 2023,
rocked my world and shattered me.

I watched in horror on the news,
the slaughter and kidnapping of innocent Jews.

Brothers, sisters, husbands, wives,
children and babies starting their lives.

Israelis, Americans, others as well,
forced to endure unimaginable hell.

Children plucked from their mother’s arms,
with rifles, knives, and firearms.

The elderly were pushed and struck,
while girls were raped in the back of a truck.

Rockets rained down on their heads,
taken hostage, injured, dead.

On Shabbat, the day of rest,
as terrorists attacks only progressed.

Hamas started this brutal war,
a relevant fact you can’t ignore.

Yet somehow Israel is to blame,
the reason why is clear to name:

ANTISEMITISM, the hatred of Jews
infiltrated our world and news.

Our country condemns fascism, racism, criticism, chauvinism,
but idly stands by in the face of antisemitism.

Universities are breeding grounds,
where antisemitism is largely found.

College professors proudly preach,
their skewed interpretation of Freedom of Speech.

Supporting violence and terrorism,
encouraging hatred and antisemitism.

Enticement for incitement, flagrant defamation,
harassment, lack of safety, lies, misinformation.

Dismantled mezuzahs, plucked from front doors,
elderly Jews, stomped to the floor.

Holocaust survivors, the few that are left,
are sickened with shock, bereaved and bereft.

“Never Again,” is happening NOW.
In this day and age, I ask myself how.

Hatred of Jews is day old news,
a malady I refuse to excuse.

I’ll proudly wear my Jewish star.
I’ll repent and atone as I hear the Shofar.

I’ll light the candles Friday night,
in these dark times we need some light.

I’ll send my kids to Hebrew School,
I’ll pray with others in my Shul.

I’ll celebrate Hannukah, eat chocolate gelt,
as Menorah candles melt.

I’ll do good deeds, Tikun Olam,
despite the threat of being bombed.

I won’t be silenced; my voice is loud.