Kesher means “connection.” Kesher is Or Ami’s K-6th grade youth learning program. At Congregation Or Ami, we believe that Jewish education should nurture our students and leave them with a love of Judaism, a love of Congregation Or Ami as their synagogue and second home, and an understanding and appreciation for why Judaism and Or Ami are sacred in their lives. We seek to foster within each child in Kesher the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed:
- To act ethically in daily life based on Jewish values;
- To observe Jewish rituals at home and in the synagogue in meaningful ways;
- To participate comfortably in Shabbat and Holy Day services; and
- To appreciate the centuries of Jewish history, literature and civilization contributing to the strength and survival of the Jewish people and Israel.
In Kesher, Hebrew and Judaica studies are integrated, yet reading and chanting Hebrew prayers is taught separately. Each session includes community building, interactive learning about Judaism, Hebrew language study (or Hebrew through movement for younger grades), and t’filah (creative prayer experiences).
Kindergarten and 1st grade students receive free tuition their first year enrolled in Kesher (older siblings must be enrolled).
2024-2025 School Year
Kesher begins September 10th & 11th, 2024
Schedule: K-6th grade Kesher meets from 4:00 – 6:00 pm on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon (families can pick either day). When registering, please request your preferred day or indicate if you are not yet sure (we will reach out to you later in the summer). We will do our best to accommodate all requests, though we will prioritize keeping siblings together and not exceeding maximum capacity.
View 2024-2025 tuition pricing here.
Why My Three Children Loved Going to Religious School
By Caryl Kaplan
For me, “being Jewish” IS mostly about heritage and family traditions. Let’s just say that I HATED going to Religious School so much that I debated whether or not to make my children suffer through it as I did, or tutor them for Bar Mitzvah and let them learn about Judaica and the holidays through our family experiences and traditions at home.
Being part of Congregation Or Ami has drastically changed my opinion. All three of my children LOVE going to Religious School and never complain about it. As a matter of fact they get angry with me. If we have other plans and they have to miss it! Let me also add that my husband, Gary and I are even enjoying learning together with them.
Back when they were younger, I asked my children, “What do you like about Or Ami’s Religious School?” They responded:
Jordan (5th grade): “I LOVE my teacher. SHE IS THE BEST. She never says ‘sit down and use your book.’ She always uses games to teach us and it is lots of fun. I wish she could be my 5th grade teacher in public school.”
Michael (3rd grade): “I also LOVE my teacher. She is really nice. She teaches us a lot. She always reads to us and makes it interesting. It is never boring and I like the pizza!”
Alyssa (Kindergarten): “I LOVE my teacher. I wish she could come visit with us. I love having fun and making art projects. She even lets us color I love learning about the holidays.”
All three children responded that they like learning from Rabbi Julia Weisz and Rabbi Paul Kipnes because they teach them about being Jewish in a way that they can understand. They say he is fun and he does not confuse them.
At the end of Kesher, my three children always come home enthusiastic and happy. They are always eager to share what they have learned in Kesher. WOW!!! It sure is a lot different now than it was then!!! “No Fair.” We love going to Family services and celebrating all of the holidays with Congregation Or Ami! Thank you for bringing us back home to Judaism.
For more information, contact Rabbi Lana Zilberman Soloway