Kvell and Tell – October 29 2020 – Sukkat Shalom: Social Justice Group at Or Ami

Dear Or Ami Community,
It was great to see you at our Drive Thru-Lav Sukkot Celebration a few weeks ago!
At the event you learned a little bit about Sukkat Shalom, Or Ami’s social justice group focused on solutions to the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles.
We wanted to let you know more about the important things our group is doing and how to get involved!
Sukkat Shalom aims to address homelessness in a variety of ways, including advocating for temporary and permanent housing and supporting increased access to healthy hygiene. Learn more about the group’s goals and efforts by clicking the button below.
Recently our Sukkat Shalom team partnered with Pastor Kathy Huck and About My Father’s Business outreach team members to build panel tents for our unhoused neighbors. These panel tents are made with insulated board, and have vents and a small solar panel to charge cell phones and an interior light. Through this project we work collaboratively with the unhoused community to develop and design structures that best meet their needs.
With Sukkat Shalom, there are opportunities to get involved in hands-on projects like this, as well as engaging in research, organizing, and advocacy. Join us in our mission of tackling this crisis and creating a community of love and compassion.
To get started, attend an upcoming Sukkat Shalom meeting! Our group meets next on Thursday, November 5 at 12:30 pm on Zoom.
Email Rabbi Julia at rabbijulia@orami.org to get on our mailing list and learn more about how you can help.