LoMPTY is the Coolest Place to be a Jewish Teen! We want YOU to join in on the fun!
LoMPTY, which stands for “Light of My People Temple Youth”, is Congregation Or Ami’s youth group for grades 9 – 12. In LoMPTY, our teenagers have the opportunity to socialize with other Jewish teens, explore and live Judaism on their own terms, and gain leadership skills that will help them excel in all aspects of their lives. LoMPTY encourages our high schoolers to shape their experience and activities at Or Ami. With guidance from our Youth Advisor, a teen Board runs LoMPTY. The Board decides on the activities, plans and runs the programs. They invite other LoMPTYites to take on leadership roles such as photographing events, designing publicity, playing music at our Havdalah services, all while creating a welcoming and fun environment.
Events include: Café LoMPTY, Broomball, Lite Nites, Social Action projects, and End of the Year Pool Party!
Follow LoMPTY’s Instagram and check this webpage for updates on events and Lite Nites. Check out Profoliobox for LoMPTY’s photos.
To learn more, contact Youth Engagement Coordinator Andrew Fromer.
LoMPTYites also participate in the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY), the national youth group for the Reform movement which represents around 500 Temple Youth Groups in North America. LoMPTY is particularly active in NFTY’s Southern California Region (NFTY SoCal), which has 250 teen participants. Through NFTY So Cal, our Jewish teenagers connect other teens throughout California and the country. LoMPTYites participate in NFTY So Cal retreats: Fall Kallah, Winter Kallah, Leadership Kallah, Spring Kallah and NFTY Convention
Our teenagers attend NFTY’s summer trips to Israel, Avodah and CIT sessions at Camp Newman (Santa Rosa, CA), summer leadership programs at Kutz Camp (Warwick, NY), and the 1500 teen-strong NFTY Convention.
Or Ami teenagers create an outstanding, meaningful youth group experience that allows them to develop individually, bond as a group, and create life-long relationships with each other and Judaism.