Family Learning Program Creating Kind, Compassionate Kids

Mensch-ify is a parenting and pre-K to 6th grader Jewish “how to” experience, guiding parents on how to raise Jewish mensches (kind and compassionate Jewishly-engaged children), while simultaneously teaching pre-K to 6th graders how to live as mensches.
Participants, rabbis, and faculty apply Jewish stories and traditions to develop kindness, compassion, and motivation to improve the world.
Mensch-ify families prefer family learning because they want to embed menschy values in their home and family. Participants learn from everyday heroes about the mensch work they do as well as participate in mitzvah projects, meet Torah heroes, and interact with local organizations that provide tangible ways to act menschy.

Ideal for Young Families
Enjoy hands-on activities, personal relationships with the rabbis and instant playdate-worthy connections with other families.
Lower Cost, Fewer Sessions, Greater Benefit
Mensch-ify runs September through May, two Sunday mornings a month. Lower tuition than Kesher.
New kindergarten and first grade students receive free tuition their first year enrolled in Kesher and/or Mensch-ify.
2021-2022 School Year
Mensch-ify begins September 19, 2021
Schedule: Two Sunday mornings a month, 9:00 – 11:30 am. Mensch-ify 3rd to 6th graders also participate in a weekly Hebrew Language class.

For more information, consult with Rabbi Julia