Mishpacha Learning is Like a Carousel

Rabbi Burt E. Schuman taught, “Jewish learning is like a carousel: You can get on at any point and continue the ride.”

What a concept! Just when my husband Adam and I thought our Sunday school days were over, we were given the opportunity to participate in Mishpacha and whoosh, we were “back in the saddle again.” But really, who amongst us couldn’t stand to squeeze in a little extra learning about our Jewish holidays, values, beliefs, and about G-d? Certainly, we as parents are our children’s first teachers and it is the attitude that we convey toward learning that sets the stage for our children’s lifelong learning. It’s a pretty darn big order to fill and frankly, my husband and I are thrilled to have our rabbis, knowledgeable teachers, and our peers to help us in this important endeavor.

The Mishpacha program provides the perfect arena to learn about, discuss, and interpret many concepts that we as parents may have missed in our own upbringing, both Jewish and secular. Mishpacha has afforded my husband and me the invaluable experience of side-by-side learning with our two children. We are helping them become careful observers and active contributors to the Jewish way of life. (Plus, there’s a mid-session snack involved!) It is a recipe for success, one that we are happy to cook up twice a month.

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