Welcome to Or Ami’s Neighborhood, a way to deepen your relationship with Congregation Or Ami even when you don’t live close by. By joining Or Ami’s Neighborhood, you strengthen your connection with our spiritual community, with Jewish life, with our clergy, and with each other.
The Neighborhood is open to anyone who lives 60 miles or more from Congregation Or Ami’s Calabasas sanctuary. We do ask that either you or a member of your immediate household is Jewish.
We look forward to being Neighbors!
Rabbi Paul Kipnes | Rabbi Lana Zilberman Soloway

Joining Or Ami’s Neighborhood gives you access to experiences and opportunities like:

Feel connected through online gatherings with our rabbis, cantor, dynamic Rabbinic interns, Or Ami leadership, and other Or Ami Neighbors throughout the Jewish year. Our first Neighborhood gathering with Rabbi Paul Kipnes will be in November.

Enjoy Chanukah, Purim, and Passover gift bags mailed to your home prior to the holiday. Filled with holiday essentials, these gifts will enhance both your home observance and our online couch-comfortable celebrations.

Enhance your Jewish journey with access to Or Ami’s Neighborhood. You can enjoy upcoming services, enroll in classes, engage with programs (including the Village), and participate with your Or Ami Neighbors.

Engage with projects and project teams to transform our broken world, both from a distance and close to home.

Enrich your Jewish journey by downloading sermons by Or Ami clergy, inspiring music, videos, articles, and spiritual homework.

Secure advanced invitations to High Holy Days and Or Ami One. Our services continue to be streamed without a paywall. Neighbors attending in-person receive a preferred Neighbor High Holy Day ticket rate. Neighbors also may purchase Or Ami One tickets for our annual gala celebration that takes place in the Spring.

Tell Me More...
Location, Location, Location – Or Ami’s Neighborhood is open to anyone who lives 60 miles or more from Congregation Or Ami’s Calabasas sanctuary.
Life Cycle Officiation and Pastoral Care – Our clergy team (rabbis, cantor, interns, and adjunct clergy) want to support your spiritual and pastoral needs. We are able to offer support to you, and some officiation online for an additional fee. When in-person officiation is preferred, we will gladly connect you to local clergy – friends of ours – who could help. Additionally, we encourage you to consider joining or remain at your local synagogue or prayer community for more personal services.
B’nai Mitzvah and Youth Education – B’nai Mitzvah study and officiation is only an option through Or Ami’s standard partnership program (separate from Or Ami’s Neighborhood). By becoming a partner at Or Ami, you gain access to our online youth education, and online B’nai Mitzvah tutoring. Officiation online (or in person at our Calabasas synagogue) may be possible. Let’s talk.
What Financial Commitment can I make?
Your annual commitment ensures that we create a robust, engaging, spiritually meaningful Neighborhood.
Neighbor – $250 for one adult | $500 for two adults
Sustaining Neighbor – $1,000 per household
Sustaining Neighbors also enjoy two individual online sessions with one of our rabbis. Your additional donations support our Neighborhood and help ensure others can become Neighbors.
Finances should never be a barrier to becoming part of our Neighborhood. Confidentially share concerns about costs with Lisette Tuohy, our bookkeeper.
Become an Or Ami Neighbor. And may we share many moments of soaring spiritually, connecting deeply, and “doing Jewishly” with creativity and meaning!
Questions? Please email neighborhood@orami.org and we will connect right back. Since this is a new project of Congregation Or Ami, we thank you for your patience as we smooth out our systems.