Partner Outside Organization: Jewish World Watch
Chair: TBD
When: April
Completion Date of Last Project: 4/27/2014
Description: Thousands of people come to walk together at the Jewish World Watch Walk To End Genocide. We march to let our local community and the world know that we will not stand idly by while human rights violations, violence, and genocide continue to impact the lives of innocent men, women and children. Participants walk for the cause, visit the Awareness Fair before and after the Walk, gather information at the advocacy booths on human rights abuses in Darfur, Sudan, Congo and elsewhere, participate in advocacy actions for the conflict minerals campaign, watch solar cooker demonstrations, make crafts, and listen to great music. The Walk evidences how our actions can change lives. It’s not just a Walk- it’s a Celebration of our community of conscience!
Family Friendly: Yes, this program is geared towards families more than individuals.
Is It B’nai Mitzvah Project Worthy?: Mitzvah Projects require a minimum 10-hour commitment to a single project. Interested students should contact Event Chair and Mitzvah Project Coordinator several months in advance to determine whether some aspect of coordinating this event could serve as a Mitzvah Project. While definitely a wonderful Mitzvah, participating in the Walk to End Genocide alone will not fulfill the Mitzvah Project requirements. Interested students could potentially coordinate with the Event Chair and/or Jewish World Watch to raise awareness and recruit participants for The Walk To End Genocide.