
by Karen Gaspin, Chair, Henaynu “Or Ami Cares”


em-pa-thy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

For most of my adult life, I have worked in both a professional and personal capacity to try and help those in need. From creating and producing events for non-profits, to fundraising, writing articles, working at a domestic violence shelter, a dog rescue, and helping to care for two close friends, who sadly, both passed away from cancer, I have always felt other people’s pain and joy very deeply. I want to be there to help in times of need, and to celebrate in times of happiness.

I joined Congregation Or Ami after getting to know Rabbi Paul Kipnes during many years of my friend’s illness. I saw how he was there for my friend, her family, and honestly, her friends as well. He visited her at home and in the hospital, shared her pain and fears, and helped us all to say goodbye to her. Although my family belonged to a different temple for many years, I had not felt the need to be part of a synagogue once my kids were grown. My husband and I met in college, have three amazing children, a new daughter-in-law and son-in-law, life-long friends and a wonderful family. What more did I need? Yet at my friend’s funeral, it became crystal clear that I needed… a spiritual community and a rabbi to be there for me and my family.

I am excited to begin a new journey at Congregation Or Ami as chair of our Henaynu/Or Ami Cares Committee. Henaynu means “we are here.” I stand on the shoulders of amazing past chairs, most recently Laurie Keleman and Susie Gruber. We will work together to bring people together, building a community. There are so many different endeavors we hope to implement going forward, but to begin, Henanyu will focus on creating a caring group of volunteers to support and nurture fellow congregants through their sorrows, struggles and joys. We will focus on lending a helping hand at the death of a loved one or during surgery or an illness. And we will recognize the delight of simchas (joyous times) including engagements, new jobs, weddings, new homes, and babies. You may reach me at wecare@orami.org .

If you are interested in being a part of Henaynu/Or Ami Cares, please join me and Rabbi Kipnes for an organizing meeting on Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00 pm at Congregation Or Ami.